A gerund - vagy inges alak nagyon szépen angolossá teszi a beszédünket, és lerövidít sok bonyolult
szerkezetet, például that/should-os - (hogy valaki csináljon valamit) mellékmondatot.
(Például: I suggested (to him) that he should do some sports. - helyett: I suggested him doing some sports.)
Már egész korán meg kellett tanulnunk, hogy a szeret-nem szeret jelentésű igék után az igei tárgy (amit szeret-nem szeret az ember csinálni), -inges alakban, tehát gerund formában áll.
Vannak olyan igék, főnevek, szerkezetek, amik után lehet gerundot is és főnévi igenevet is használni.
Van amikor csak gerundot, és van amikor más a jelentése a kettőnek. Meg kell tanulni. Lehetőleg kis mondatokkal, eleve a szó tanulásakor már úgy kiírva a szótárba.
~ (to) doing sth: He admits (to) having neglected his children.
~ (to) sth: He admits (to) his mistakes.
~ (to sb) (that): He admitted (to his parents) (that) he had failed his exam.
APPRECIATE (méltányol, értékel)
~ sth: I really appreciate your kindness.
~ doing sth: I appreciate being treated like a princess.
~ sb doing sth: We would appreciate you helping us. (hálásak lennénk)
~ that: I appreciated that he took me home.
AVOID (elkerül)
~ sb/sth: The crash couldn't be avoided. (elkerülhetetlen volt)
~ sb/sth doing sth: They built a dam to avoid the water flooding the city.

HELP (CAN'T HELP) (nem tud megállni vmit)
can't/ couldn't ~ doing sth: I couldn't help laughing when I heard that incredible story. (nem tudtam megállni nevetés nélkül)
can't/ couldn't ~ but do sth: I couldn't help but laugh when I heard that story. (csak nevetni tudtam)
STAND (CAN'T STAND) (ki nem állhatja)
~ sth/doing/to do sth: I can't stand (watching/to watch) bad films.
~ sb doing sth: I can't stand people laughing at me.
~ it wh: She can't stand it when people criticize her.
CONSIDER (megfontol)
~ sth: I've heard that you are considering a new career.
~ doing CONSIDER sth: We consider moving.
~ wh: We have to consider where to go on holiday
DELAY (elhalaszt)
~ sth: They agreed to delay the offensive.
~ doing sth: They delayed introducing new measures.
DENY (tagad, megtagad)
~ sth: He denied the accusation. (visszautasította a vádakat)
~ sth (to sb): He denies nothing (to her).
~ (sb) (sth): He denies (her) (nothing).
~ doing sth: He denied stealing the car.
~ (that): He denied (that) he had stolen the car.
~ oneself (sth): Don't deny yourself (anything)!
DISLIKE (nem szeret)
~ sb/sth: I don't dislike him at all.
~ it wh: She dislikes it when people are aggressive.
~ doing sth: I dislike hurting my father.
~ sb's doing sth: He disliked her leaving home.
FANCY (tetszik, kedvére van)
~ sth: Do you fancy a beer? (Nem kérsz egy sört?)
~ sb: I am sure he fancies you. (tetszel neki)
~ oneself (as) sth: He fancies himself (as) a famous politician. (úgy tekint magára)
~ doing sth: Do you fancy having a drink tonight? (volna kedved)
~ (that): He fancied (that) he could fly. (azt képzelte)
IMAGINE (képzel, elképzel)
~ sth adj: Little children imagine animals free and happy.
~ doing sth: She can't imagine living in a big city.
~ sb doing sth: I can't imagine him shouting.
~ that: She imagined that she was rich.
INVOLVE (maga után von)
~ sth: The technique involves the use of tiles.
~ (sb/sb's) doing sth: The actor's contract with the company involves (him/his) using their product. (a szerződés része az, hogy)
~ sb in (doing) sth: The chairman should involve the board in (making) decisions. (be kellene vonnia az igazgatótanácsot a döntéshozatalba)
JUSTIFY (igazol)
~ sth: His result justified the faith his trainers had put in him.
~ sth to sb: He had to justify his decision (to the committee). (meg kellett indokolnia)
~ (sb/sth) doing sth: These circumstances justify (us) spending more money. (indokolják)
MIND (bán, zavar)
~: He got up late, but he didn't mind. (de nem bánta)
~ sth: I don't mind the noise at all. (nem zavar a zaj)
~ doing: Do you mind working in the garden? (bánod, ha a kertben kell dolgoznod)
~ sb/sb's doing sth: I hope you don't mind me/my opening the window. (remélem, nem zavarja)
POSTPONE (elhalaszt)
~ sth (to/until sth): They postponed the outing (until Monday).
~ doing sth: They postponed building the new underground line.
RESIST (ellenáll)
~ (sth): The police resisted the demands of the kidnapper.
~ doing sth: She resisted telling him about the surprise.
RISK (kockáztat)
~ sth: He risked his life for his turtle.
~ sth on sth: He risked everything on roulette.
~ doing sth: How could he risk losing all his money?
~ sb doing sth: He couldn't risk his partner telling everything to the police so he killed him.
SUGGEST (javasol)
~ sth (to sb): He suggested a solution (to me).
~ sb/sth (for sth): Who would you suggest for this role? (kit ajánlanál)
~ sb/sth (as sth): Who would you suggest as Desdemona ? (kit ajánlanál)
~ doing sth: I suggested seeing a film.
~ sb's doing sth: I suggested his taking up some sport.
~ (to sb) (that): I suggest (to him) (that) he takes up some sport.
~ (to sb) (that) sb (should/might) do sth: I suggested (to him) (that) he (should) take up some sport.
it is ~ed that sb/sth (should) do sth: It has been suggested that everybody (should) vote.
~ (to sb) wh: He suggested (to me) where to look for a job.
~ sth (to sb): The evidence suggested murder (to the detective). (sugallt)
~ (that): The evidence suggests that Mr. Smith has been murdered. (a bizonyíték arra utal)
TOLERATE (elvisel)
~ sth: I can't tolerate his behaviour.
~ doing sth: She won't tolerate being refused.
~ sb doing sth: I won't tolerate you being late.
MISS (hiányzik)
~ (sth): He tried to score a goal, but he missed (it). (mellé lőtt)
~ doing sth: I miss running in the morning
INSIST (ragaszkodik)
~ on (doing) sth: He insisted on (taking) the bigger cake.
~ on sb/sb's doing sth: I insist on you/your taking the bigger cake.
~ that sb (should) do sth: He insisted that he (should) concentrate on improving his speaking skill.
OBJECT (ellenez)
~ to sb/sth: The president objected to the new financial policy.
~ to (sb/sb's) doing sth: I objected to (him/his) leaving the camp. (elleneztem, hogy elhagyja)
~ that: He objected that he was dismissed without any
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